

Accelerate your business with secure and reliable hosting

Industry-leading cloud computing

Increase your IT efficiency with superior storage,lower costs, and a greater ability to scale without restriction.

Highest availability

Highest availability

We guarantee 99.999% (‘five nines’) availability on our core hyper-converged infrastructure, power and connectivity. Less than 6 minutes’ downtime per year, when measured monthly.

Flexible control

Flexible control

Get your head under the bonnet or let us drive – it’s up to you. Manage your own infrastructure or you can leave the management to us. We’ll make sure everything keeps running smoothly.

Full scalability

Full scalability

If you grow in the future, your cloud computing power grows with you. Add power, storage, users, branches or applications to suit your requirements, whenever you want.

Data Security

Data Security

We take care of security, backup and disaster recovery. With certifications under ISO27001 and Cyber Essentials Plus, you know your data is in safe hands.

Fully redundant

Fully redundant

Don’t lose precious time and money to an outage. We have fully redundant systems at the network/hardware levels, power, and connectivity to keep your systems online.

Anti DDoS

Anti DDoS

Security is the backbone of every business. We have an extensive suite of security features available to protect your business against malicious attacks, including DDoS protection.

Industry-leading IT service

Industry-leading IT service

We can boast a 99%+ customer retention rate and a 97%+ customer satisfaction score from completed support tickets within the past year – two stats that outclass the industry average.

Simple pricing

Simple pricing

No pricing per minute or complicated invoices. Pay a simple monthly fee with no hidden charges. Or agree a fixed-term deal and save even more when you switch to us.

Global discounts

Global discounts

As a private cloud hosting provider, we offer global discounts on your monthly charges when you sign up to a fixed 3/5 year agreement.

Discover why organisations across industries are consolidating to help reduce complexity, cost and risk

Establish your own cloud environment

Our Cloud Computing Services

We offer the following products and services for cloud computing:

Public Cloud

We offer a broad array of public cloud services, comprising multiple service models including IaaS, PaaS, and Saas.

Private Cloud

We can provide and maintain a plethora of private cloud services, all housed within our own Tier 3 Data Centre.

Hybrid Cloud

We can combine your public and private cloud services into the perfect environment for your business to succeed.

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Cloud Computing Guide

Cloud Computing Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services through the Internet. This includes data storage, servers, networking, and software to name a few. It has become very popular for businesses seeking remote working options and effective off-site back-up solutions.

How does cloud computing work?

Cloud computing works by storing your data on virtual servers, as opposed to locally on your computer, phone or tablet. The virtual servers connect to physical data centres, which have the required infrastructure to protect and store your data.

Hosted cloud services can be either private, public, or a mix of both. Your business can decide on either option, depending on your requirements. Private clouds are exclusive to a specific company. Google Drive or Dropbox are examples of public cloud services because anyone can use them.

What are the benefits of cloud computing for business?

The advantages of cloud computing for businesses can include the following:

  • Cost efficiencies
  • Scalability and performance
  • Flexibility
  • Remote working
  • Collaboration
  • Business continuity
  • Auto software updates

What are the security risks of cloud computing?

The security risks of cloud computing can include:

  • Data loss
  • Data breaches
  • Compliance violations
  • DDoS attacks

We provide several proactive measures on our infrastructure to prevent the above from ever happening.

If you’ve got more Cloud Computing questions, feel free to Get in touch.

We live by our values

Our core values get to the heart of what we’re about as a business:

Together We Win

Together, we win

We succeed when we communicate well across the business and build solid partnerships with our customers. Good communication, strong relationships and commitment creates a team that can deliver on its promises.

We Do What We Say

We do what we say

We never walk away from a job; never make excuses; never shirk responsibility. We always keep our promises. We regard our culture of personal responsibility as a huge asset – as it gives our customers the belief that we’ll always deliver.

Be The Best You Can Be

Be the best you can be

We challenge ourselves to raise our game each day as a business and as individuals. As our own harshest critics, we believe we can always find better ways of delivering the best service for our customers.