EOC Services

When EOC Services ran into problems with their existing IT services provider, we stepped in to ensure continuous cover and peace of mind.

EOC services, based in Downham Market, provide heat pumps, ventilation and air conditioning for firms throughout East Anglia and into London.

Working from a single central location, their basic IT setup comprises a 14-user network with an onsite server and backups stored locally and in the cloud.

In 2018, EOC were becoming frustrated with their existing IT provider.

As discussions progressed, the situation with EOC’s incumbent supplier came to a head, raising the threat of all IT support being withdrawn in just two weeks’ time.


Heating, ventilation and air conditioning


Downham Market, Norfolk


Rapid takeover of IT support to ensure continuity

A sudden need to switch

"Quite frankly, we didn’t feel we were getting the level of service we required, so we decided the time was right to go out to the market," explains Robert Hill, the company’s Operations Director. "Someone we know very well recommended them, so we got in touch. Dealing with them has been a breath of fresh air – the way they manage everything is so much better."

Later that same evening, we got a call for help. "We phoned David Schulte, who’s now our account manager, and said that we needed everything setting up much, much more quickly than anticipated," recalls Robert.

Onboarding in 48 hours

Our normal onboarding process takes two to four weeks. However, we appreciate that clients aren’t always in a position to wait that long. This time, we took over full support straight away, so EOC weren’t left with nobody to call if things went wrong, and continued our standard induction process in parallel.

"David arranged everything, and the team handled it all very well," says Robert. "Under the circumstances, it went as smoothly as it could."

Since EOC’s backups were hosted with their former provider, they needed to arrange an alternative as quickly as possible. We deployed a temporary solution to safeguard the firm’s data, and later moved over to our more flexible StoreIT system.

Within just 48 hours of their call, EOC had the reassurance of a new support setup and a functional backup system, with secure access to their data re-established. In the months that followed, we also set up remote working for the firm’s directors, who often work away from the office.

Proactive and professional

"We’ve been with them for several months and it’s been absolutely excellent," says Robert. "We’re delighted with the level of service, and I now recommend this company to anyone who’s struggling with IT."

We pride ourselves on being proactive, and EOC have already benefited from our approach. "Just this week, I received an email pointing out that we were using less backup data than predicted, so our monthly bill was being reduced," says Robert. "That’s exactly the sort of service we were looking for."

Overall, EOC are pleased to have found an IT supplier who shares their own values. "We like to think of ourselves as a professional operation," affirms Robert. "In my experience, that attitude is distinctly lacking in a lot of the IT support world. But with them, professionalism is the key word."

We live by our values

Our core values get to the heart of what we’re about as a business:

Together We Win

Together, we win

We succeed when we communicate well across the business and build solid partnerships with our customers. Good communication, strong relationships and commitment creates a team that can deliver on its promises.

We Do What We Say

We do what we say

We never walk away from a job; never make excuses; never shirk responsibility. We always keep our promises. We regard our culture of personal responsibility as a huge asset – as it gives our customers the belief that we’ll always deliver.

Be The Best You Can Be

Be the best you can be

We challenge ourselves to raise our game each day as a business and as individuals. As our own harshest critics, we believe we can always find better ways of delivering the best service for our customers.


Customer Satisfaction


SLAs Met


First Call Fix